What Does a Car Diagnostic Test Do?

Car diagnostic tests thoroughly and accurately discover functional or mechanical damage in vehicles. At Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc., we use a state-of-the-art and completely wireless car diagnostic system that identifies various issues like engine problems, exhaust repairs, and electrical … Continued

The Importance of Catalytic Converters

You may have heard of a catalytic converter but maybe you’re not really sure what it does. This auto part is found in every single vehicle and is responsible for reducing harmful emissions that result from hazardous exhaust fumes. At … Continued

5 Warning Signs Your Tires May Need to Be Replaced

Tires are the only parts of your car that connect to the road and are responsible for steering, braking, and acceleration. If you suspect an issue with your tires, call Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc., or read through these five … Continued

3 Common Problems with Diesel Engines

If you drive a diesel vehicle for personal or business use, then you’re already aware of some of the issues that are common in diesel engines. Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc. has been servicing and repairing diesel engines since 1987. … Continued

What’s Included in a Full-Service Oil Change?

Oil changes are the first line of defense for keeping your car in optimal working condition. Without this regularly scheduled service, the engine would seize up, leading to very expensive repairs. With every oil change, there are other areas of … Continued

3 Habits That Can Wear Down Your Brakes

Life is busy and often requires us to take shortcuts. More times than not, we’re rushing to make it to appointments on time or to drop the kids off at school before we head to work. Sometimes this requires faster … Continued

What’s Causing Those Brake Noises?

As you’re driving down the road and stop at a light or stop sign, do you hear strange sounds coming from your brakes? When you hear odd noises while stopping, it could indicate a problem with your brakes. At Auto … Continued