6 Quick Maintenance Tips for Older Cars

Proper maintenance is the key to bringing out the best in your vehicle. If you have an older car, it is critical to keep a routine schedule of care to get the most life out of your beloved automobile. Many … Continued

Car Maintenance: How We Can Help

Whether you’ve just bought a brand new car or still have a beloved old clunker, car maintenance is critically important. Here at Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc., we offer extensive experience when it comes to everything from simple tune-ups and … Continued

3 FAQs about Oil Changes

Most drivers know that their cars need oil changes every so often. However, many of our customers still have quite a few questions when it comes to their car maintenance—and oil changes in particular. To help clear the air, let … Continued

Maintaining Your New Car

You just purchased a new vehicle. Whether you drove it new off the lot (or new to you), you’re excited about your upgrade. More than likely, you want this vehicle to last quite a while. Well, let Auto Specialty of … Continued

Top 4 Reasons to Get an Annual Tune Up

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Preventative medicine is the best medicine.” At Auto Speciality of Lafayette, Inc., our mechanics know this saying to ring true. Maintaining good health—whether you’re talking about your personal health or the health of your vehicle—is … Continued

3 Reasons Not to Skip Tire Alignment

At Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc., our customers often ask questions about how to keep their vehicles in the best shape possible to maximize the life of their vehicles. The short answer: Preventative car maintenance. Just like you go to the doctor for … Continued

3 Need-to-Know Facts about Oil Changes

You may be wondering what the big deal is about oil changes—and you’re not alone. Most car owners understand that every so often they need to have their car’s oil changed. However, not everyone is on the same page as … Continued

Your Holiday Car-Care Checklist

Soon enough, the holidays will be knocking on your door. For many people, the holidays translate into a busy travel season. You pile your family into the minivan and head out of town, or you drive a couple hundred miles … Continued