You may have heard that you need to get your car into your local auto mechanic for a yearly tune-up. But have you actually taken the time to follow this prescription for preventative maintenance? Maybe you’re wondering why an annual tune-up is even important. Well, we at Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc. want to give you a few reasons why an annual tune up is an important part of your car-care regimen.
1. Preserve the life of your car’s engine.
You want to get every mile you can out of that engine! A car that gets its annual preventative care is more likely to maximize the life of its engine.
2. Optimize your gas mileage.
If you have noticed that your vehicle isn’t getting great gas mileage, you may want to bring it in for a tune up. Your auto repair shop may be able to make a few small changes that can help you pay less at the pump.
3. Delay major car repairs.
Just like an annual check-up with your physician, your yearly tune up with an auto mechanic can help ward off major issues. For example, taking regular care of your brakes may help delay or avoid major brake repairs or a complete replacement. Take care of your car regularly, and you may find that it will last much longer than expected.
Car owners in the West Lafayette, IN area can get excellent car care and customer service from Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc. To schedule your annual tune up, contact us today at (765) 477-7300.
photo credit: 2005 Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6E via photopin (license)